Bioshock Bird or Cage Cross Stitch by Lord Libidan

Bioshock Infinite Bird Cage Key Cross Stitch By Lord Libidan
Bioshock Infinite Bird Cage Key Cross Stitch By Lord Libidan

Title: Bioshock Bird or Cage Thaumatrope
Date Completed: July 2019
Design: Lord Libidan
Count: 14
Canvas: Plastic
Colors: 2
Video Game: Bioshock Infinite
When writing up the post for my Nuka Cola Quantum Bottle cross stitch, I spoke about how I was inspired by a thaumatrope and referenced a previous Bioshock heads or tails cross stitch I had previously done. Well, it got my creative juices flowing.
I’m actually halfway through another project, and I’ve already got 2 patterns set aside to cross stitch afterward, but the lure of a good idea got me. I’m attempting to recreate the key from Bioshock Infinite, which you can see below. In reality, the key is only shown from one side, either the bird or the cage, based on a previously made choice in the game. However, in reality, the key is a thaumatrope.
Bioshock Infinite Bird and Cage Thaumatrope GIF (Source: Reddit)

There are two different ways of making a thaumatrope (which is a 1800s toy) you can either spin a stick with two images stuck to the top, in the way the key is done here, or you can make a spinning toy using string.
Sleepy Hollow thaumatrope animated gif (Source: Reddit)

I was originally planning to do the second before I played the game again and realized what the key was. Needless to say, I knew I had to do that version, however making a bird and a cage that small is actually rather hard. I’m not 100% impressed with my bird, but it roughly looks like the real thing and it’s just a little palette cleanser cross stitch before I finish my current project.
Bioshock Infinite Bird Cage Key Cross Stitch compared to real key By Lord Libidan

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