All of our posts that offer guides, tips, tricks and reviews to make sure your cross stitch is the best it can be.

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Close up of 14 count white aida cross stitch fabric (source:

Cross Stitch Fabric Types

Moving on from my history of cross stitch, I've started looking into the various parts of cross stitch and breaking down some of the walls people see when starting out. One of these has got to be the fabrics used for cross stitch. Simply put, there are four types of fabric used: Aida (the most…

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Yarn Tree Cross Stitch Calculator (source:

The Best Cross Stitch Calculators

A cross stitch calculator is basically a requirement for all stitchers. Sure, if you wanted you could do the maths, but who has time? And who want's to check it three times over to make sure its right? Neh, instead, pull out the calculator. There are a few out there now, each doing slightly different…

  • Reading time:7 mins read
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If they don't love your cross stitch; you'll make them love it! (source:

Whats the best way to show cross stitch off online?

You've braved the world of cross stitch software, made yourself an awesome pattern, and even battled a few problems with stitching, but the time has come; you've finished your stitch. You've shown your family, you've shown your friends, but frankly, they're sick and tired. So who else do you show it to? The internet. So…

  • Reading time:3 mins read
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