Tips, tricks, guides, reviews, round ups, free cross stitch patterns, news and more from the Lord Libidan team.

Clear Draws for Embroidery Thread Storage (Source: pinterest)

How Many DMC Threads Are There?

There are officially 500 different colors of DMC 117 Mouliné Spécial thread. But... That's not the whole story. The US DMC website lists only 489, there are some region-specific "exclusive" threads, and there are Étoile, Coloris, Color Variations, Light Effects, and even some Special Embroidery threads available.   So let's dive in and work out…

  • Reading time:7 mins read
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Linen sampler embroidered with silk, by Elizabeth Parker, Ashburnham Forge, Sussex, England, about 1830. (Source: Victoria & Albert Museum)

Subversive Cross Stitch Is Older Than You Think

For as long as I've been cross stitching, there have been snarky cross stitches, NSFW cross stitches, postmodern cross stitches, tongue-in-cheek cross stitches, and even just the plain old retro cross stitches. These designs are great, but they serve a purpose; to subvert. But what exactly does that mean, and is it as contemporary as…

  • Reading time:6 mins read
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