This is the full DMC threads color shade chart, with codes attached. We’ve also updated it to include the new DMC colors too. Please feel free to use!
You can click the color chart for a larger view you can download too!

DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan
DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

If you need to find a specific color, download our free Color To Column Locator Table
Looking for a way to keep track of your DMC threads? We have you covered, with our DMC thread spreadsheet.

Looking for the Anchor thread color chart? We can help with that.
Anchor Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

Looking for the Kreinik thread color chart? We can help with that.
kreinik metallic thread color chart

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This Post Has 110 Comments

  1. Michelle Kaufman

    In the color chart above, there are a few thread numbers (all under 100) that have asterisks [*] beside them – can you explain why? I am looking for those colors and no one seems to sell them!
    Thanks in advance. 🙂

    1. LordLibidan

      Those are 35 new DMC threads that came out in 2018. You can find out a bit more of them here.
      You should be able to pick them up in all cross stitch stores now. If you’re struggling, we’d suggest looking at some of the best online cross stitch stores we rounded up last week 😀

      1. Michelle

        THANK YOU SO MUCH! So helpful. I had no idea. 🙂

  2. Duane

    Question: I would like to change colors, such as Blue to Green. Is there an app that can do that??

  3. heather soucy

    Hello, thank you for this. When was this updated? I want to make sure i have the most recent colors to organize my floss. Thanks!

  4. Sonya pollan

    Looking for dmc color chart. With numbers and what the color is.
    I need it to show my grandkids the color and the number.

    1. LordLibidan

      Hi Sonya,
      If you click the images on this page you should be able to see a very large image with the colors and numbers.
      Hope this helps 😀

  5. Kim Cowan

    Is there a source online you can recommend that sells the entire color inventory as a set?

    1. LordLibidan

      Hi Kim,
      If you want to buy the whole set in one go, right now we would only suggest one UK store; Lakeside Needlecraft at £350 for all 500.
      Full sets are often put together by hand, so many larger retailers don’t sell them. I would suggest just buy one of every color yourself (which is often cheaper). You can get some great deals online, or large hobby/craft stores often put on big discounts a few times a year.
      I hope that helps!