This is the full DMC threads color shade chart, with codes attached. We’ve also updated it to include the new DMC colors too. Please feel free to use!
You can click the color chart for a larger view you can download too!

DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan
DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

If you need to find a specific color, download our free Color To Column Locator Table
Looking for a way to keep track of your DMC threads? We have you covered, with our DMC thread spreadsheet.

Looking for the Anchor thread color chart? We can help with that.
Anchor Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

Looking for the Kreinik thread color chart? We can help with that.
kreinik metallic thread color chart

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This Post Has 110 Comments

  1. ryan

    i’m sure it’s right there & i’m just missing it, but i don’t see how to download the color chart. please help.

    1. LordLibidan

      You can click on the image and it will load a much larger version. From there you can download it. Depending on your device/browser that might be very different, but if you’re on a desktop, right-click the image and select something like “download image”

  2. vasamoes

    Hello, I love your page and I see a lot of useful information. I am looking for a table of RGB values ​​for the numbers of the DMC colors but in their mixtures. That is to say 1 + 2 = RGB BLEND, I don’t know if I’m explaining myself. I’ve searched everywhere and I can’t find anything like that, would you know if it exists?

    1. LordLibidan

      Hi! I do know what you mean, but I don’t think there is anything like that I’m afraid!
      I know you can find RGB values for single colors, but that’s all I’m afraid!

  3. Kim Kelly

    Where can I obtain a physical colour card of the DMC threads. I tend to think that the colours the printer at home prints, especially when some coloured ink is low, is not indicative of the actual colour.

  4. Dianna

    I made a chart at pic2pat and it lists several dmc colors I can’t find. 02 Tin, 03 Tin Medium, 28Eggplant Med. Lt., 27 White Violet, 30 Blueberry Medium lt.. Are these real numbers and where can I find them?

    1. LordLibidan

      These are real, numbers 1 to 35 were added in 2017. You can click here to find out more about the new DMC colors.
      You should be able to find them at all good thread retailers and they’ve been around for a while now.

  5. Jessica

    Hey there, I can’t read what the columns beside the colours say. The DMC sheet has little squares filled in on the left of each colour swatch, but I cant read what the squares signify. Can you clarify that for me? Thanks!

    1. LordLibidan

      Hey Jessica,
      Those little squares show that type of thread can be purchased in that color.
      The first is “117” which is the 6 strand embroidery thread we use for cross stitch (and all colors have this).
      The second is “115 n3” which is the DMC code for ‘small’ Cotton Pearl/Perle.
      The third is “115 n5” which is the DMC code for ‘medium’ Cotton Pearl/Perle.
      The fourth is “116 n5” which is the DMC code for size 5 Cotton Pearl/Perle balls. There are balls of cotton perle you can buy in size 5 or 8.
      The fourth is “116 n8” which is the DMC code for size 8 Cotton Pearl/Perle balls.
      Finally, the last is “116 n12” which is the DMC code for size 12 Cotton Pearl/Perle. This is once again sold on the skein, but the strands are very similar in size to a single strand of the standard 6 strand embroidery thread.