This is the full DMC threads color shade chart, with codes attached. We’ve also updated it to include the new DMC colors too. Please feel free to use!
You can click the color chart for a larger view you can download too!

DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan
DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

If you need to find a specific color, download our free Color To Column Locator Table
Looking for a way to keep track of your DMC threads? We have you covered, with our DMC thread spreadsheet.

Looking for the Anchor thread color chart? We can help with that.
Anchor Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

Looking for the Kreinik thread color chart? We can help with that.
kreinik metallic thread color chart

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This Post Has 110 Comments

  1. Carol Schuknecht

    The color chart did me no good. It only had numbers and I needed the colors to go with those numbers.

    1. LordLibidan

      Hey Carol,
      The numbers are on there, but I think you might be looking for our DMC inventory sheet. It has all numbers and colors and allows you to track how many you have too!

  2. Sarah

    It says I can download the dmc color chart, but I cannot figure out how to do that?

    1. LordLibidan

      If you click the image you’ll see a super big version. Right-click that, and select “Save as…” (or something similar, it depends on your browser and OS) and it’ll save it to your computer!

  3. Linda Thompson

    Hi What colour is 08

    1. LordLibidan

      It’s one of the “new 35” threads launched a few years ago.
      It’s a dusty brown.

  4. Veronica Barnes

    What colour is no. 676

    1. LordLibidan

      It’s a golden color. Many refer to it as “light old gold”.

  5. Kathy Hoover

    I’ve been using the DMC spreadsheet and noticed a couple of missing threads. I know they exist/existed because I have 1 of each!

    4022 Variations-Mediterranean Sea
    127 Discontinued Variegated-Delft Blues

    Also, a question. Some of the blocks where I put in a number in the column next to a floss color I own have turned blue. Not the highlight fill color though, because I can’t remove it. What is that all about?

    Thanks for this, it’s really made my inventory easier!

    ~Kathy Hoover

    1. LordLibidan

      Hey Kathy,
      These are both discontinued threads so won’t appear on the current DMC color chart. You can however see them included in our DMC inventory sheet, which includes all threads, current and discontinued.
      As for the blue stuff, that’s all been removed in a recent update. Although if you want to fix your current version, you can simply delete all conditional formatting.
      Happy stitching! Rhys