This is the full DMC threads color shade chart, with codes attached. We’ve also updated it to include the new DMC colors too. Please feel free to use!
You can click the color chart for a larger view you can download too!

DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan
DMC Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

If you need to find a specific color, download our free Color To Column Locator Table
Looking for a way to keep track of your DMC threads? We have you covered, with our DMC thread spreadsheet.

Looking for the Anchor thread color chart? We can help with that.
Anchor Thread shade card with new colors with logo by Lord Libidan

Looking for the Kreinik thread color chart? We can help with that.
kreinik metallic thread color chart

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This Post Has 110 Comments

  1. Mary Geiger

    Which DMC floss is closest to rose gold? I am making a ring bearer pillow and she wants rose gold instead of gold. Thanks.

    1. LordLibidan

      3771 is probably the closest. But if you would consider metallic threads, then DMC Diamant has a rose gold.

  2. Susan Potter

    I’m finishing work my Mother started 10 years ago. We had not realised how long ago her eye sight had deteriorated. It is by Twilleys of Stamford. I need to obtain more thread but don’t know which brand will match the manufacturer of Twilleys thread. It is very smooth and tightly twisted. Can you help with advice please?

    1. LordLibidan

      I’m afraid Twilleys of Stamford used their own thread and they’ve now done out of business! In addition, I’m not aware of any Twilleys to DMC conversions.
      I think the best option would be visual comparisons to DMC threads and use those.
      Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

  3. Shirley Byrd

    I need a chart that starts at 01and goes to last number plus all the variegated colors too.

  4. Kai

    Your chart seems to be wrong like the new 3800 range like 3895 everywhere is saying it’s medial dark you state dark what is already included in the old threads.

    1. LordLibidan

      I’m afraid there are no official names. DMC regularly change the names they use, and with 3895 the most recent name is simply “dark”.

  5. Elinor Hateley

    I am trying to find out what colour some DMC numbers relate to. I am doing a project from a few years ago where the thread is blanket stitched around made items and the list only included numbers. I cannot find what numbers 1220, 90 and 57 would be. For me and this project close enough is good enough in that is it dark blue, light green etc etc etc.I would truly appreciate your help.

    1. LordLibidan

      Hey Elinor,
      If you know the name of the pattern and the manufacturer, you can normally reach out to them and they should be able to tell you the correct color codes for the thread they used. You can then use a thread conversion table to get the DMC number.