DMC Embroidery Floss Color Card (Source:

How To Find Replacement Threads

Not everyone has all the DMC colors, and whilst I would suggest everyone joins the journey to owning all threads, sometimes it just isn't viable. But how exactly would you go about replacing threads if you need to? Why Replace Colors? I guess we should start by discussing the possible reasons we might need replacement…

  • Reading time:7 mins read
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June Tailor Cushioned Quilters Square n Blocker with iron (Source: Amazon)

No One Wants A Warped Cross Stitch

If you choose to wash your cross stitch there is a need to dry it. This drying gives you a chance to block out your cross stitch (or pinning as its sometimes called) and ensures no stretching, warping, or folds can be seen in your finished project. But it also sucks. You have to get…

  • Reading time:4 mins read
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