DMCs 35 New Threads

New 2018 DMC color threads banner (source:
New 2018 DMC color threads banner (source:

For the first time in 14 years, DMC threads are launching new colors. We were able to get a preview set, and so we’ve decided to help out and go into detail with the 35 new colors.
Firstly, the new colors range from code 01 to 35, and no colors are being replaced; these are all additional only. This brings the total range up to 500. They’re out in late October/early November (dependent on where you live).
Based of the new colors is clear that DMC have really listened to what customers wanted. Without further ado, lets look at each of the new colors.

01 to 04 – Greys

The first set is numbers 01 to 04, all grey. The current grey selection is a bit lackluster, with very popular colors such as 415, 318, and 414 being slightly purple-hued. The new set effectively replaces these colors by removing the purple, making a fantastic run of 762, 01, 02, 03, 04, 317, 413, 3799, 310. We’ve made this color swatch up below. Honestly, of all the new threads, we think these four will be the most popular by far and will stop that weird purple hue on grey scale projects like our Canabalt piece.
DMC threads Greys including new threads (Source:

05 to 09 – Browns

The second set, 05 to 09, are all brown. At first glance they’ve very similar to the 453, 452, 451, 3861, 3860, 779 line, however that has historically been muddled and lacking in a progressive shading. Instead, the new line makes a pure brown, something that’s been missing for a while from the traditional line.
10 to 18 – Greens

Initially, it seems a little odd to have so many greens in the new threads, especially considering green has always been a strong point of DMC. However, if you think about the greens available, they either transition into blue, or brown. Hardly any move into yellow. This is where the new green threads come in, offering fairly pale greens that transition into yellow. In addition color 13 sits as a lighter 3849 to allow blue to green blending a little easier at pale ends of the spectrum.
19 – Orange

We then have the solitary 19, a peachy orange. This is clearly made to fit within existing 3823, 3855, 19, 3854, 3853 line. I must admit, I’ve never really seen much use of these colors, however unlike most other color ranges featuring at least 5 colors, it shows DMC are devoted to making their existing line perfect. (The images don’t do it justice.)
DMC threads Orange including new threads (Source:

In addition this orange could be included within the next set of colors; flesh tones.
20 to 22 – Flesh tones

Skin tones have ALWAYS been an issue with threads, and whilst there are some good shades out there, the darker white skin colors have been missing for a while. Colors 20 to 22 solve that issue.
23 to 35 – Purples

Finally, we look upon the final section of new threads, colors 23 to 35. These compromise a series of purples, mostly light hued, without any runs of progressively darker threads. For a long time purple has been a big issue, with only darker purples being an use, as lighter ones were just way too pink. The new threads offer both lighter purples, but also a series of purples that merge into other colors, such as 28 and 29 which blend into a grey line 415, 318 and 414, which now feels a little orphaned with the new greys. 30, 31 and 32 blend into blue. And 33, 34 and 35 blend into red well, something there currently isn’t any of.
A word on compatibility
It’s worth noting that with all new threads, pick up is a little slow going at first. Most pattern makers will updated yearly, meaning the next update using these threads could be some time in mid 2018. We reached out to WinStitch/MacStitch which will send an update in the coming week. No update on when PCStitch will update, we’ll update this when we hear back.
In addition the DMC shade card, despite earlier reports, it being updated with the new threads.
Where and when can you get them?
Officially the new threads go on open sale in November, with a few select retailers getting their hands on them early. One of these is where you can buy each thread with 25% off, or get a collectors tin with all of them included, in the middle of October. In Canda you can pick them up from StitchItCentral. We expect this will be the only place you can pick them up this early, with the DMC website, Hobbycraft and Michaels to carry the line once they’re officially out in November. We’ve got confirmation that Walmart will NOT be carrying the line at all.
Collectors tin for the new 2018 DMC color threads (source:

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This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Patricia Gibosn

    I need to buy cottons for an old pattern. Is there a conversion list so I can go and get extras for my new Christmas decorations please.

  2. Moirae

    Thanks for the in depth post on the new colors LordLibidian. I’m happy to see that there are more neutral grays available now. I had noticed the purple tint when I used pewter before.
    In case anyone is still confused about the exact number of solid colors available from DMC
    Solids include the 3 whites: B5200, BLANC, and ECRU but no metallics

    US – 454 old + 35 new = 489 current solid threads
    +18 old variegated= 472 old threads, 507 current threads

    UK/EU* – 447 old + 35 new = 482 current solid threads
    +18 old variegated= 465 old threads, 500 current threads
    *There are 7 colors that were discontinued in Europe but not in North America

  3. The Anti-Mandy

    I think I’ve discovered how the U.S. and the UK come up with different numbers. The U.S. considered there to be 454 solid colors; the other colors you mentioned are not included in their number count (though Blanc, Ecru, etc. are). When you add the 35 new solid colors to their old 454 colors, you come up with 489. I found this information on the page for printed color cards on the U.S. site.

  4. The Anti-Mandy

    Thanks so much for your response. I am in the States and the U.S. site lists 489 colors. Perhaps they just count differently?

  5. The Anti-Mandy

    DMC is listing the entire line as 489 colors. I’ve seen a couple of places say that the entire line is now 500 colors…are some colors duplicates and aren’t included in the total DMC official count? Are some just not offered in some countries? Would love to know!

    1. LordLibidan

      DMC used to say they had 465 colors in the Mouline Special 25 range, which with the new 35 makes 500. However, included in there are 18 ‘mixed’ colors (this is a terrible description in my mind, these are dark to light color threads, such as *52). As well as that there are 4 threads with odd names; BLANC, ECRU, B5200 & E5200. Finally, the two remaining threads are the old gold and silver Metallic Pearl threads, 5282 and 5283.
      In my personal opinion I think there are 480 ‘normal’ threads.
      I’m not sure where you’ve seen the 489 colors, on the UK DMC site it shows two pages, 465 ‘old’ threads and the 35 new threads on a seperate page.