Moon Tarot Card Cross Stitch by Lord Libidan

Moon Tarot Card Cross Stitch by Lord Libidan
Moon Tarot Card Cross Stitch by Lord Libidan (Source:

Title: Tarot Card – XVIII – The Moon
Date Completed: December 2021
Design: Lord Libidan
Count: 18
Canvas: Black
Colours: 8
Pop Culture: Mystery
For the next issue of the Xstitch Magazine, I had to come up with a pattern for the theme “mystery”. Annoyingly, that also meant what I was going to stitch was also a mystery to me!
But with a few reruns of Parks and Recreation on Netflix I saw that tarot cards feature a lot!
Tarot Cards In Parks And Recreation Screenshot (Source: Pinterest)

I know that tarot cards have been featured in the Xstitch mag a few times, however, there was always something bothering me; they didn’t frame well. Tarot cards are traditionally thin and long, but a standard photo frame isn’t. So I came up with the idea to create a design that would not only look cool, but also fit into a frame nicely!
The pattern itself came together rather quickly. And I chose to use ‘The Moon’:

A card of illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.

As I started putting it together though, I was also on a bit of a neon vibe thanks to A Bitch In Time Cross Stitch Book. Whilst I chose a more obvious neon design for my Neon Lord Libidan Cross Stitch, I loved the idea that neon can move across color hues and combine in interesting ways.
So I came up with a pink to green color palette and tried to recreate it in cross stitch. And I’m glad to say it fits perfectly in a photo frame!

Moon Tarot Card Cross Stitch by Lord Libidan

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