Coca Cola Cross Stitch Pattern Spotlight

When searching on Etsy we found a list of the most searched terms related to cross stitch patterns. Along side some obvious ones, we found something we were a little surprised by; coca cola.

Coca Cola Can Cross Stitch Pattern by DJStitches

Coca Cola Can Cross Stitch Pattern by DJStitches (Source: Etsy)
Coca Cola Can Cross Stitch Pattern by DJStitches (Source: Etsy)

Whilst there is a wealth of coke related cross stitch pattern goodness on Etsy, most are old adverts or christmas related. However most people search for Coke patterns in spring and summer. My memories of that time normally relate to cracking open a can. So of course, I had to pick a Coca Cola can.
DJStitches, who made this pattern, is a bit of a cross stitch can specialist, with all of the images made pixel by pixel. Whilst this isn’t particularly important normally when choosing the reds for the can, it’s super important. By handpicking colors you can ensure that the image you see above, is the image you’re going to get stitched, making it a truly wonderful example of that classic Coke.
More of a diet coke fan? He has one of those too.
This pattern was found on Etsy.

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