Tips, tricks, guides, reviews, round ups, free cross stitch patterns, news and more from the Lord Libidan team.

Read more about the article Is cross stitch art? Or craft?
Cross Stitch Mona Lisa by MrXStitch (source:

Is cross stitch art? Or craft?

Often within the stitching community the question of art or craft comes up, and on a general basis, it can be answered. However cross stitch always sits outside the classifications, and no one is really sure. It's not an art form in its own right, its part of embroidery, however, there are LOADS of art…

  • Reading time:4 mins read
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Read more about the article The Best Cross Stitch Calculators
Yarn Tree Cross Stitch Calculator (source:

The Best Cross Stitch Calculators

A cross stitch calculator is basically a requirement for all stitchers. Sure, if you wanted you could do the maths, but who has time? And who want's to check it three times over to make sure its right? Neh, instead, pull out the calculator. There are a few out there now, each doing slightly different…

  • Reading time:7 mins read
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