Hate Needle Minders? There is a Solution…

It’s probably no surprise to regular readers, but I’m a fan of needle minders. I’ve spoken about the weird world of needle minders before, but there’s something you might not know: I don’t put needle minders on my work.
OK, OK, I love them, and I use them, but I keep it next to me on my work table. I’ve spoken before about finding the perfect needle minder as there is a real issue with needle minders; their weight. But there are also people who just don’t like them. So what are the alternatives if you aren’t a needle minder fan?

Magnetic Needle Case

I hate needle storage. In fact, I’ve gone into detail about how to store cross stitch needles, and in that list, I mention magnetic boxes. They’re a great place to store the needles in the long term, but in the short term, they offer a lovely place for needles on the go. Not only can you store needles inside, but most come with a magnetic cover, so you can drop your active needles on the top too. Its another thing you have to keep around you, but if it saves you stepping on a needle, its worth it.

DMC Magnetic Needle Case (Source: Etsy)
DMC Magnetic Needle Case (Source: Etsy)


Alright, this is cheating a little bit considering that I just mentioned something magnetic, but you don’t have to have some fancy box to hold your needle. You can buy rolls of magnetic tape, or even just plain old magnets from Etsy and Amazon for super cheap, and you can stick them to anything! I’ve seen them used wonderfully on a cross stitch scroll frame, but pretty much anywhere is game!
If you have an ORT jar you can place a magnet under the lid. The magnet sticks to the metal lid, and the top becomes a great place for needles!

A Small Needle Minder

I actually eluded to this in the intro, but needle minders are cool. There’s no arguing. They are the best. I personally have a miniature cake plate, cos if I’m not thinking about cross stitch, its cake. But they are a bit annoying sometimes. So instead of setting them up on your work, remove the back magnet and just stick them to something metal! I have one on my lamp, my desk leg, and one stuck to the top of my thread box (with glue).
Just because you can’t get along with needle minders on your case, doesn’t mean you have to forego them all together.

Polymer Miniature Cake Needle Ninder by Chapelviewcrafts (Source: Etsy)

A Smaller Needle Minder

Let’s get real for a second. One of the biggest reasons people don’t like needle minders is they might damage the work. Now I don’t know this is the case, but they can sag your nicely taught aida if it’s too heavy. But not all needle minders are created equal. Getting a small needle minder will be less heavy, and it’ll fit nicely on your work without damaging it!

Tiny Kitten Needle Minders by Snarky Crafter (Source: Etsy)

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gail Jahn

    Teresa Little Stitcher has a great solution. She uses a small pin cushion with a magnet sewn into the bottom. Best of both worlds; one small magnet and plenty of room to stab in needles.

  2. Sandra

    I use the magnetic needle case to store my needles but, for individual projects, I use small refrigerator magnets as a needle minder.

    1. LordLibidan

      Essentially, that’s all needle minders are! Just got to be careful not to use too large/heavy ones that might crush the fabric/threads.

  3. Carol F Metzger

    I bought thirty 5/8 x 1/16 in neodymium magnets and use them all over the place. No decorations required, but you can glue things to them if you want to.