What its like to write a cross stitch book

I’ve now been published twice under my own name and had patterns/writing in 4 others. I just released a Star Wars cross stitch book, and I even have another project in the works with the same publisher. Many of my contemporaries are doing the same, but still, whenever someone picks up my book I get the same question; What’s it like to write a book?

Kermit writing
It doesn’t really feel like this…

Now, I’m going to be a bit more specific here, and assume they mean a craft book, as writing fiction and non-fiction books are very different. I would know, I have one of those too. But its true, non-fiction and fiction are MASSIVELY different.
So let’s get down to it. Positives first, or negative? Time to flip a coin.

The Possible Negatives

Well, negative first. The good news is that whilst there are negatives, they aren’t that bad. In fact, I get a kick out of the extra pressure, but I know a lot of people, including Genevieve Brading (Floss & Mischief) who had some seriously tight deadlines.
Which is the first thing;


In the best scenario you might have 3 months. Whilst this seems like loads, there is one issue; you also have to stitch 12-20 projects in that time. Not easy. With some projects, you might be able to kick them out on a weekend, but others can be massive (Star Trek LCARS comes to mind…)

Last Minute Changes

So you work for three months solid, and then all goes quiet on the Western Front, leaving you to sit and wait for up to a year. And then the license holder suddenly changes their mind about EVERYTHING. A super busy period exists where you just don’t know how you can get it done at all, but somehow you do.

The Positives

All The Help

And this is how you get it done. The secret of every craft book writer. Massive amounts of help. I’ve relied on a few people, but massive kudos goes out to BlackMageHeart who has been a serious help with all the books. And frankly without her; it would have been impossible. Thanks!

You Get Paid

Well… Yeh. You get paid. Now it’s not a massive amount of money, but considering its the cherry on the cake, it’s always a plus 😀


And this is why you do it. Sure, it’s not going to be the next Harry Potter, but you’ll be the author you always wanted to be.
Unless its a flop.

Would I give it up?

Hells no. I LOVE to work to a deadline, and frankly having a project where I think about kawaii characters instead of video game characters allows my mind to bring in some different perspectives and makes me a better pattern maker.

I’ve now been published quite a few times. Check me out in:
Fine Art Cross Stitch Kit
Emoji Cross Stitch Kit
Star Wars Cross Stitch Kit
Star Trek Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting Book
Disney Classic Cross Stitch Kit
Mr X Stitch Guide to Cross Stitch book
CrossStitcher Magazine (twice)
CrossStitcher Designer Stitches Magazine
CrossStitchCrazy Magazine
& XStitch Magazine

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Honey

    Hi I design non traditional cross stitch and sew it and people are always asking for my patterns and I’m thinking of publishing them but I’m so overwhelmed. I’d you happened to read this and have time to reach out I’d appreciate it immensely and could really use the help. My name is Honey and you can see my work at Christina Honey Goudard on Facebook